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- «c7»Loonies is a small danish group which got founded in June 1995 by
- «c6»Psycho, Tiny and Tarmslyng. «c7»In the beginning they only created
- «c6»Livitas Productions «c7»which they describe as crazy, weird and absurd.
- Infact, both intros released the first year; «c6»Da Intet Skete
- and Spor 2 Blå Trappe, «c7»were Livitas Productions. Spor 2 Blå Trappe
- was by the way released at the Party 5 but only reached the 30th place
- in the competition. Also in 1996 «c6»Loonies «c7»continued to produce these
- strange productions. At the «c6»South-Sealand «c7»party they released an 64kb intro
- and a bit later that year they made the first and last 4k intro, called
- «c6»Aflyseren. «c7»It's not worth having a look at.«»
- «»
- It was not before in 1997 the first non-Livitas production got out. It
- was an 40k Intro called «c6»Travellers «c7»released at the Heaven I party, and it
- actually won too. As many Loonies productions, also Travellers got a theme.
- And personally I like the intro quite much because it got an extremely
- fast tunnel no matter what amiga you may run it on. At the same party Loonies also
- released their first demo called «c6»Demostop, «c7»but it was more like an intro
- really. It's a boring conversation which the watcher is urged to stop!
- However, the first real demo got out later that year, at the Party 7.
- It was called «c6»Goatraince, «c7»and came 10th in the competition. The demo got
- amazingly 22 routines and of course an overall theme. Various trains and
- railways are in focus. It also offers some fast tunnels, and some weird
- texts. Earlier that
- year, Loonies released another Livitas Production though, it was the follow
- up to «c6»Spor 2 Blå Trappe «c7»and won the 40k intro competition at Heaven II.
- It had many different effects.
- The first musicdisk with a fitting name, «c6»Lunatic Sounds, «c7»also got released
- in 1997. It was a Livitas production and contained some weird danish text
- in addition to the modules.«»
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- «c7»Loonies continued being active in 1998. At the «c6»Scene Meeting «c7»they released
- a production named «c6»27+1. «c7»It can best be described as an intro slideshow.
- At the same party they also released a 18 parts demo called «c6»Mental Brain
- Disorder «c7»which came second in the demo competition. As 27+1 had a message
- to Depth, it was only natural that Loonies were given the mission to make
- an intro for the «c6»EuroChart. «c7»And they did make an intro for issue 35.
- Pyscho had been extremely
- active being the coder behind all productions so far. But he got help with
- the intro for The Party 8. «c6»The Morning Trip «c7»is the first production I think
- also BlueBerry participated with, and it came second in the competition.
- It's a very good intro worth to have a look at. At the same party a demo called
- «c6»Julemandens Sidste Ferie «c7»got out. It's a small demo mainly consisting of
- pictures, and of course we can describe it as another Livitas Production.
- Anyway, 1998 was a year when Loonies got more attention in the scene.«»
- «»
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- «c7»In 1999 Loonies were releasing several «c6»high-quality productions. «c7»First out
- was another cooperation between the coders, it was another demo. «c6»Valhalla
- «c7»finally got out at the «c6»Icing'99 party «c7»after a delay. However, the four parts
- demo was pretty good with lots of animated 3D. This time the theme was the
- Norse Mythology, and the voters liked it so much that it won the party.
- In the summer, at The Scene Meeting, Loonies released two Livitas Productions.
- Both intros were about sheep. «c6»The Sheep Dictionary «c7»won the competition and
- the «c6»Sheep Recognizer «c7»came third. Both intros are funny, but no masterpieces
- for sure.«»
- «»
- At the Party 9, two more quality productions got released. First the
- musicdisk «c6»SuperDrug «c7»which is quite special. It's only 64k but contain
- 9 techno modules (goa, trance, acid) and lots of rotation effects in the
- background. Even though I don't like techno music, the musicdisk is impressive
- because of the sound calculator. The other production, was the intro «c6»Impossible.
- «c7»It "only" came third but is actually good despite of the lack of design.
- The intro was done by both BlueBerry and Psycho.«»
- «»
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- «c7»Last year was one successful ride for the Loonies. Winning one party
- after another. It started off with winning the intro competition at TRSAC 00
- with the 64k named «c6»Radomized Sheep. «c7»No need to say it was another Livitas
- Production really. Not very long after, at the MekkaSymposium 2k, Loonies
- presented an awesome demo! It's certainly their best demo so far and has been
- on the lips of every scener last year. «c6»Cybercinematastic «c7»is a themetic demo
- about various Hollywood movies coded by both BlueBerry and Psycho.
- It's HUGE and certainly crushed the competitors. I especially like The
- Abyss part, but I'm sure other people have other favourites.
- At summertime it was
- another Scene Meeting, and Loonies were present as usual. This time they
- released the small but fast demo which captivated the audience... it's
- called «c6»Arla. «c7»The first few seconds I expected a pretty bad demo, but after
- a few more seconds I really liked it. The music fits perfectly to the various
- moments. The last Loonies production so far, is another small demo. «c6»At The
- Movies «c7»got released at the TRSAC 00.5 party in November. This Loonies production
- also got a theme, and this time it's a silent movie from the 1920's featuring
- Charlie Chaplin as the main character. Of course this production also won.«»
- «»
- And now, Loonies have become one of the very «c6»best «c7»international scene-groups!«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»THE FUTURE«»
- «»
- «c7»Nowadays Loonies are a bunch of young Danish sceners, and most of them
- are getting a higher-education. The coders are studying computer science or
- programming
- at the University, one of the graphicians is studying graphics, web & multimedia
- design, and others are studying medicine and electronics and so on. But
- hopefully these talented sceners will continue making «c6»high quality productions.
- «c7»And continue making productions with an «c6»overall idea or theme «c7»which they like
- so much.«»
- «»
- As many other groups Loonies decided not to be presented at The Party 2000
- as so many other groups. The entire Danish scene decided to boycott TP
- because of the votesystem and the high entry fee. Loonies tell us that TP
- always has been some kind of lottery due the low vote count. Anyway, the real
- «c6»party atmosphere disappeared «c7»many years ago. Nevertheless, the graphicians
- sent a few pictures to compete in the competitions. Read results elsewhere
- in «c6»D.I.S.C.«»
- «»
- «c7»However, Loonies are planning to release the follow up to the Impossible intro.
- But this time the intro will get an overall design, and the new engine
- is said to be around 50% faster. Perhaps it will be released at the next
- TRSAC, at MekkaSymposium or later on. Anyway, it's more certain that
- Loonies will release another «c6»big demo «c7»at the «c6»MekkaSymposium. «c7»So watch out
- for it!«»
- «»
- Loonies are also planning to release the sample engine used in Impossible
- and Superdrug. The generator TB4bc could be used by musicians and not for
- coders as the playersource itself won't be released.«»
- «»
- In addition to that I'm sure more high quality intros and demos will
- be released the next years. Perhaps they will be «c6»crazy, weird and absurd, «c7»but
- then again... they're all just a bunch of loonies.«»
- «c7»Current Memberslist:«»
- «»
- «c6»Bifrost (Graphician)«»
- Booster (Coder & Musician)«»
- BlueBerry (Coder)«»
- farfar (Graphician & Music)«»
- fasix (Graphician & HTML)«»
- Laika (3D & Graphician)«»
- Psycho (Coder & Organizer)«»
- Tarmslyng (Musician & Design)«»
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